Cerita Sampah?

*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*, Uncle Teddy

*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Bro...free?
Uncle Teddy: Yup. Wassup?
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: I'm going to start a project...
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: inviting u to be on board
Uncle Teddy: Ok. When can we talk?
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: What u up to now? Any news on worldstar?
Uncle Teddy: Now nothing.. No news for worldstar... Had a talk with kenneth, mcm tak kena je that project

*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Ermm...nvm. Kita move on...jalan ke depan
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Aku nak start project 'SAMPAH'
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Our job, to kutip sampah orang...
Uncle Teddy: Ok bro.. So when can we have serious talk on that Sampah? Sampah?
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Clean service...
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Catchy?
Uncle Teddy: Ok..

Uncle Teddy: Kinda.. Tell me more.. Bila bleh kasi meNYAMPAHkan diri?
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Hahaha...I like that!
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Let me tell u...
Uncle Teddy: Hahaha.. When can we meet.. Aku pun dh penat jadi sampah ni
Uncle Teddy: Ok
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: ermm..esok pun oke. Nvm will call u if esok jadi...in the mean time aku explain
Uncle Teddy: Ok.. Continue pls

*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Projek 'SAMPAH': kita collect sampah2 dari orang Malaysia, kita buat filem SAMPAH orang Malaysia
Uncle Teddy: Menarik
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: kita ceritakan SAMPAHx2 orang malaysia ni, kita jual SAMPAH balik kat diorang...
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Sampah kau, ko tak suka, mungkin aku suka!
Uncle Teddy: Haaaaa... Ni yang buat aku suka sampah ni
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Mcm mana nak collect sampah? Kita buka websit
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Website...untuk collect sampah orang malaysia.
Uncle Teddy: What kind of sampah?
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Kita collect dlm duration say: 6 bulan...all kind of sampah. What ever orang Malaysia sampah dia apa...
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Kalau dia bagi sampah tu kita bleh jual...kita jual
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: What I mean is anger = sampah
Uncle Teddy: Ok...
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Tapi its up to their intrepretation...what is sampah to them
Uncle Teddy: Ok
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Let them deal wth it...through our website
Uncle Teddy: Cool
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: But what we want is stories...among malaysian to share
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Stories of Malaysian Sampah
Uncle Teddy: Ok..
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: SAMPAH= St
Uncle Teddy: Banyak tu... But any problem with MCMC act for collecting sampah or giving a platform to thrash out sampah??
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Stories About Malaysians samPah
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Mcmc xda problem kot...
Uncle Teddy: Ok
Uncle Teddy: Klu xde will be fine.. Otherwise sampah nk kena beautify plak... Hilang la taraf sampah
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Lepas tu through the web, which is also act as our proposal...to ask for fund from whoever willing to give money for us to transform Malaysians Sampah into film about malaysians...from malaysians...by malaysians...
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Sapa sapa nask bagi duit, singgit pun kita nak...
Uncle Teddy: Ok.. cantik tu
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Masuk dlm bank account sampah kita
Uncle Teddy: Ok
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: In the same time, kita redah all corporates n gov to support us...
Uncle Teddy: Ok
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Its actually we doing good for them...therapy for malaysians
Uncle Teddy: :)
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Hahaha...how's that? Boleh jual?
Uncle Teddy: Boleh... Sampah memang boleh jual..
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Are u game?
Uncle Teddy: Yup
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Hahaha...cun...aku pun rasa bleh jual
Uncle Teddy: Esok pkul berapa nak meNyampah?
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Will call u besok? For now say 1pm...area the curve?
Uncle Teddy: Ok..
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Aku nak target RM3juta untuk projek ni...orang malaysia punya duit
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: To be realistic...its achievable
Uncle Teddy: Yup
*beer*¤˚ˆ◦°SHAHRIL°◦ˆ˚¤*beer*: Hahaha...ok cool

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