lawak kimono
hahahahaha...lawak laaaa jepun nie...aku suka! layan!
monday morning blues
I woke up very early this morning. Had to send to her to work, since I've been always her favourite chauffeur. On the way driving, it was routine to me for tuning to Flyfm. And everyday, I'm one of those who's trying to call in to Flyfm for the competition they held every morning called 'Wake's Up Your Brain'. But the sad part is, till now I couldn't get through...the line must be busy though! Imagine most of the Malaysian who listened to Flyfm every morning at 7.45am try to win the prize for today it already snowballs to RM15,300. A lot of money for people like me, kais pagi makan pagi...(yes I am!) and I think I know the answer and I won't to tell you the answer!
Then after sending her to work, I will have breakfast at my usual mamak place nearby my SOHO office. Reading the newspaper to keep me update...and today's headline was 'The Swine Flu Attack' cause by pig, bird and human flu in Mexico and also some part of the U.S. I was having my flu this morning...the usual morning flu, and while reading the newspaper and my teh tarik with roti canai, suddenly a big sneeze coming out from me! And people around me and the mamak fella looking at me at one kind...quickly, I paid for the breakfast and cabut!
Then while driving and multitasking reading the newspaper, I saw a news today about a girl been rape by her own father and the father's friend, and got pregnant. What the fuck!!! Damn to hell the father and his friend. Only man rape his own daughter particularly that man . Even animals didn't do that, we human are far lower than pig. And in Malaysia, there's a lot of this kind of cases happens from time to time. I think the government should really look into this. I would like to suggest that the man who rape his own daughter should be punish in public. The government should 'rotan' them in public and perhaps could broadcast it live in premiere hours at national tv. It would definitely give a lesson and scared them to do such thing and also to prevent the crime from being happen. And also sad to say this, that mostly the one who commit the crime of rapping they own daughter are the Malays. I am Malay and I am very ashamed of this. We malays should admit this and think on how to solve and prevent this matter. As Malaysians, we should come together to be concern on solving this issue and build a safe place for our children.
I am back at my SOHO office and back to work for my 'kais pagi makan pagi'. Chiow!
I went to FINAS its been a while. They got new building and I heard they got new and equip state-of-the-art facilities studio, post production and all that sounds really BIG! If you don't know where is FINAS, common man!...just go to our national zoo and FINAS is just right before the zoo entrance...if you miss it, go and ask the monkey.
aku datang FINAS atas jemputan a good friend of mine...launching his first features film. well, he made it I guess. as you all know, one of that many filmmaker's dream are the opportunity to actually do a features film. given the opportunity and entrust by the producer to spend their hell a lot of money to captured plan visuals, to create emotions, to present a story to the world in moving visuals.
back to the i was very exited for him. btw this fren of mine by the name of NJ...he used to work with me to supervise for the art direction for not that many corporate stuff i made. well, having someone that so called work under me before and now get lucky to debut his features first before me....that is frustrating but! im happy for him. ok kewl!
anyway, so the event start...
the miss emcee doing the SOP, then calling mr. president of film directors association malaysia fdam...this guy is really 'funny'. i don't know what his thinking. its really clear why our film industry sometimes embarrassing...because we are lead by this idiots! come are the mr. president of fdam. you are somehow representing the film directors of malaysia....the image of fdam...the ambassador of film industry for malaysia. and are talking nonsense on that what you consider a speech? aku rasa ko lalok laaa....and yet you the president of fdam...and yet you are the lecturer in IPTA teaching film to wonder there's a lot of us people of the industry are like you! idiots!
then, the guest of honors turn for his speech...before that...the KP of FINAS came in late together with mr. yusof haslam...otai datang lambat xpaaa....chet! i think mr yusof haslam 'the man' cover malu dtg lambat pakai spek mata hitam..or tak pun dia dah plan nak tido masa speech yang bukan-bukan. pandai strategy datuk yusof haslam ni...siut jer!
the guest of honours giving speech, he is member of parliament for langkawi. I don't know what datuk laaa...but datuk laaa....memang betul betul datuk. aduih...letih! aku dtg nak tengok filem...bukan nak tgk datuk nie...mengarut on stage! again...mengarut...merepek...mengarut...merepek...but worst! trust me worst! i don't even understand what his saying...he was like mumbling and don't know shit what his talking about! fuck laaaa! damn sad macam of langkawi....bullshit i said! fuck that!
after a almost 15 minutes....the fella finish his speech. and most of the people who came for the launch already fall asleep. i can hear dato yusof haslam snoring nicely... hahaha
and finally...i got to watch the film....they show a clip....before that the emcee tiba2 i said....then watching the clips of the film.
i am stunned. the title of the features film is 'taubat jalang' but in my heart yelling 'taubat lah korang...hentikan lah menjalangkan filem kita!' x lepas siut...kesian!
kepada NJ kawanku...aku tak tau apa nak cakap...aku rasa cam nak lempang jer kau! wake up dude!!!!!!
kerja tak siap lagi!
ok...hidup lagi rupanya! hehehe
aku buntu...kerja banyak bertimbun...lepas satu satu. tapi, kerja-kerja cari makan. kalo tak buat, tak makan laah aku. sekarang ni pun aku tengah makan...hasil kerja2 cari makan.
aku tengah kerahkan segala tenaga aku meng-applikasi-kan minda aku untuk kerja-kerja yang bersusun.
as we speak now, i do have 1,2,3...tiga video untuk branding universiti...huhhh concept-concept. any idea on new university video concept? huhhh...think! think!
satu property video to do...concept clear! approve by client...
satu corporate films to do for ministry...concept clear! just need to improve on the storyline before the final presentation for green light to shoot.
and finally...after for so long tak buat features film project....i just landed to do production design and art direction for Thailand production...start in June. akhirnya...dalam banyak2, aku suka sangat job Thailand tuh...sebab i think its give me freedom for me to berkarya! kekeke
tapi...sementara job kena buat jugak! buat video untuk orang-orang koperat!
1st Post
It's been a while...
Aku dah try the end aku tekan delete. Sebab? Dah lama tak update, malas, xda idea, malas, sibuk dengan benda lain, sibuk dengan kerja, malas.....alasan jer semua.
Tahun ni, bulan April, 18hb...setelah belek2 blog org lain, setelah dapat balik kononya inspirasi, setelah rasanya banyak benda aku nak luahkan dalam blog ni, setelah aku cuba berkali2 cari nama yang sesuai dan jugak setelah aku rasa sudah sampai seru....
Tunggu dan lihat jer laa sampai bila...besok, nanti, karang, tahun depan? hmmm...
Ok 1st post!
I Read
The Return8 years ago
malam semalam pekin menangis10 years ago
Hello Blog. Babai Facebook!10 years ago
MALAYSIAN SHORTS: Dec 15 & Dec 1611 years ago
The Year That Was12 years ago